Sugar Cane

Case Study

Sugarcane is a vital crop in many regions around the world, providing a crucial source of income for farmers and a key ingredient in the production of various products, such as sugar and ethanol. However, achieving high yields can be a challenge due to various factors, including weather conditions, pests, and disease.

Agrarius Corp.
An Official Conducted Trial by Agrarius Corp.

The Problem

Appleton Estates, a sugarcane farm in Jamaica was experiencing low yields, averaging around 80 tons per hectare. The farm manager was looking for ways to increase production and improve the overall efficiency of the operation.

The Solution

The farm manager decided to implement Agrarius, a mycelial network signaling technology that taps into the plant’s communication network and triggers yield increases while reducing fertilizer usage.


After implementing Agrarius, the sugarcane farm saw a minimum 20% increase in yields, seeing crops as high as 45cm in height over the short trial window.

By using Agrarius, the sugarcane farm was able to increase its yields by a minimum of 20%, have better crop health, and show improvements to the overall growth efficiency.

Case Study Summary

Trials conducted with Agrarius on {{Crop}} has shown the potential to generate an average -% yield increase per crop cycle using two spray applications of Agrarius.

When compared to current revenues, Agrarius has the potential to generate a $0.00 return on this farms investment.

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Ready to Trial Agrarius?

Apply to trial Agrarius on your farm, the first applications are on us.

Contact us today to see if your farm qualifies for our trialing program and work with our agronomy team to optimize the benefits of Agrarius™ on your fields.